Results Service
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Mx B 2x
Mx B/C 4x-
Mx C 2x
Mx D 2x
Mx D/E 4x-
Mx E 2x
Mx E 8+
Mx F 2x
Mx F 4x-
Mx F/G 8+
Mx G/I 2x
Mx NC A-C 2x
Mx NC A-C 4x-
Mx NC D-F 2x
Mx NC D-F 4x-
Op A 1x
Op A/B 2-
Op A/B 2x
Op B 1x
Op B 4-
Op C 1x
Op C 2-
Op C 2x
Op C 4-
Op C 4x-
Op D 1x
Op D 2-
Op D 2x
Op D 4+
Op D 4-
Op D 4x-
Op D 8+
Op E 1x
Op E 2-
Op E 2x
Op E 4+
Op E 4-
Op E 4x-
Op E 8+
Op F 1x
Op F 2-
Op F 2x
Op F 4+
Op F 4-
Op F 4x-
Op F 8+
Op G 1x
Op G 2-
Op G 2x
Op G 4+
Op G 4-
Op G 4x-
Op G/H 8+
Op H 2x
Op H/I 1x
Op H/I 4x-
Op H/J 4+
Op H/J 4-
Op I 2x
Op Lwt B/C 1x
Op Lwt E 1x
Op Lwt F 1x
Op Lwt G 1x
Op Lwt H/J 1x
Op NC A-C 1x
Op NC A-C 2x
Op NC A-C 4+
Op NC A-C 4x-
Op NC A-C 8+
Op NC D-F 1x
Op NC D-F 2-
Op NC D-F 2x
Op NC D-F 4+
Op NC D-F 4-
Op NC D-F 4x-
Op NC G-K 1x
W A 1x
W A 2x
W B 1x
W B 2x
W B 4x-
W C 1x
W C 2x
W C 4+
W C 4x-
W C 8+
W C/D 4-
W C/D/E 2-
W D 1x
W D 2x
W D 4x-
W D 8+
W D/E 4+
W E 1x
W E 2x
W E 4x-
W E/F 4-
W E/F 8+
W F 2-
W F 2x
W F 4x-
W F/G 1x
W F/G 4+
W G 4x-
W G/H 2-
W G/H 2x
W Lwt B/C 1x
W Lwt G 1x
W NC A-C 1x
W NC A-C 2-
W NC A-C 2x
W NC A-C 4+
W NC A-C 4x
W NC A-C 8+
W NC D-F 1x
W NC D-F 2-
W NC D-F 2x
W NC D-F 4+
W NC D-F 4x-
W NC D-F 8+
All Clubs
Abingdon RC
Agecroft RC
Ancholme RC
Ardingly RC
Athlone BC, Ireland
Avon County RC
BTC (Southampton) RC
Barnes Bridge Ladies RC
Bath Spa University
Bedford RC
Belfast BC
Belfast RC
Bentham BC
Berwick ARC
Bewdley RC
Bewl Bridge RC
Birmingham RC
Bradford ARC
Bradford on Avon RC
Broxbourne RC
Burton Leander RC
Cambois RC
Cantabrigian RC
Castle Semple RC
Champion of the Thames RC
Christchurch RC
City Of Derry
City of Bristol RC
City of Cambridge RC
City of Sunderland RC
Clydesdale ARC
Commercial RC, Ireland
Crabtree BC
Cross Keys BC
Dart Totnes ARC
Deben RC
Derby RC
Derwent RC
Devil's Elbow RC
Doncaster RC
Durham ARC
Eton Excelsior RC
Evesham RC
Exeter RC
Falcon RC
Galway RC, Ireland
Gloucester RC
Gravesend RC
Greenbank Falmouth RC
Grosvenor RC
Guildford RC
Henley RC
Hereford RC
Hexham RC
Hollingworth Lake RC
Hollowell Scullers
Huntingdon BC
Ipswich RC
Kenmare Club, Ireland
Kingston RC
Lady Victoria BC, Belfast
Lagan Scullers' Club, Ireland
Lakeland RC
Lea RC
Leeds RC
Leicester RC
Liverpool Victoria RC
Llandaff RC
Loch Lomond ARC
London RC
Los Angeles RC, USA
Loughborough BC
Lymington ARC
Mackay RC, Australia
Maidenhead RC
Maidstone Invicta RC
Marlow RC
Medway Towns RC
Melbourne RC, Australia
Milton Keynes RC
Minerva Bath RC
Molesey BC
Monmouth RC
Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC
Neptune RC, Ireland
Newark RC
Newport Sea Base Rowing, USA
Northwich RC
Norwich RC
Nottingham & Union RC
Nottingham RC
Nottinghamshire County RA
Parr's Priory RC
Pengwern BC
Peterborough City RC
Poplar, Blackwall & District RC
Portora BC, Ireland
Putney Town RC
Quintin BC
Reading RC
Royal Air Force RC
Royal Chester RC
Runcorn RC
Shannon RC
Sons of the Thames RC
Southampton Coalporters ARC
Southsea RC
St Edward's Martyrs BC
St Ives RC
St Neots RC
Star Club
Stourport BC
Stratford-upon-Avon BC
Strathclyde Park RC
Sudbury RC
Talkin Tarn ARC
Team Keane Sculling School
Tees RC
Thames RC
Thames Tradesmens RC
Tideway Scullers School
Trentham BC
Twickenham RC
Tyne RC
Tyne United RC
Tyrian Club
Upper Thames RC
Upton RC
Walbrook RC
Wallingford RC
Walton RC
Warrington RC
Warwick BC
Westminster School
Weybridge RC
Wimbleball RC
Windermere Rowing Club
Worcester RC
X-Press BC
Yare BC
York City RC
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